Email sent by unix user

On AIX :

uname -a
AIX server1 6 xxxxx

How can I see if an email is sent by a user from server to this week?
Thank you.

what have you tried ?

which mail client are you using ? (have you read the relevant documentation for it?)

take a look in /var/log/mail /var/mail/** for log files then search candidate files

In /etc/syslog.conf you can see where mail.debug goes.
Perhaps you must enable it:

Thank you.
I'm not root , then:

grep debug /etc/syslog
grep: 0652-033 Cannot open /etc/syslog.



copy/paste errors or typos?

/etc/syslog.conf is the file mentioned in the documentation, not /etc/syslog. or /etc/syslog as you have posted.

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oups. Sorry.
I tried again.

grep debug /etc/syslog.conf
mail.debug /var/log/mail 

Thank you.

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