Email not working on Ubuntu


I 'm getting following error in my mail log for the email i 'm sending to outside domain. Not able to figure out what is the issue. Can anyone please help me
on this.

 wrong answer on RCPT TO "550 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table 

First off it seems email is working.

SMTP connected out to somewhere and the remote server bounced the message back. It most often means the remote system blocked the email - example: spam filter. Spam filters can employ lots of criteria for allowing email in. Among them are addressee, sending ip (domain name e.g., )

This has detail -
What Those SMTP Error Codes Mean and Why You Should Care | Getting Email Delivered

@jim mcnamara Ok got your point but i 'm not receiving email. This is our monitoring machine zabbix and when zabbix tried to send email it throws following error

Do you think both are inter related ?

 Jan 26 11:29:31 monitoring postfix/smtpd[32222]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from monitoring.local[]: 454 4.7.1 <>:
 Relay access denied; from=<abc@monitoring.local.internal> to=<> proto=SMTP helo=<local.internal>     

That is saying that you are telling the mailserver (somewhere) not to send mail directly, please reroute it. And. The server designated as relay can't send the message.

You do not need to spend hours solving this. Simply use an out of the box install of your mailserver. I do not know zabbix, I understand sendmail somewhat - at least as much as normal humans can, Eric Allmann excluded. He wrote the original sendmail.

And so:

I am guessing: you tinked with some configuration files. I think your email is really messed up. It may not be your doing if the domain mailserver is hosed.

Therefore, revert to a vanilla install just on your desktop. Then change ONE (1) and only one thing. Test the mail. Send mail from root to a dummy user to start. Rinse and repeat until you have things set up correctly. And it works for local users, domain users and outside.

There usually are lots of example config files for mailserver setup out on the internet.

If one of the posters here knows your mailserver, then maybe direct help is available. But it is not me.