Editing phone number with multiple delimiters

Hello all
I have a data base of information that is formatted like so:

I need the last four digits of the phone number. However, many lines contain
'garbage data' that I'm not interested in. So i used a 'for loop' to specify
which lines i wanted. The code looks like this:

for linePosition in {11..22}
                holder=`sed -n "${linePosition}p" $1|awk '{print $12}'` 
                echo "$holder"

This gives me the 11 lines that I want. However, it gives me the full phone
number. I want to ALSO pipe this command to only give me the last 4 digits.
I am not sure how to do this since the fields are delimited by two different
characters. I tried a couple variations of cut, but nothing work.
Please help

BASH itself lets you use multiple characters as the delimiter without the help of sed and awk.

while IFS=" -" read JSD AAA BB CCCC G
        echo "First col $JSD"
        echo "Second col $AAA"
        echo "Third col $BB"
        echo "Fourth col $CCC"
        echo "Fifth and later cols $G"
done < "$1"

I'm sorry. im still pretty new to this stuff

i have no idea what your code does. I would like to just add a cut at the end. or pipe the phone number into a new command.

It reads the entire file, one line at a time, into the variables listed. It uses IFS to change the shell's default delimiters. It will split on all characters listed in IFS.

Running the code would also give you a better idea what it does.

Running cut to edit individual lines is like making 300 phone calls to say one word apiece. Best to break that habit as early as possible.

You could try this, fields are read into bash array name C starting with index 0 for field 1 (index 11 for field 12):

sed -n "11,22p" $1 | while read -a C
    front=${C[11]%????}          # Front = Everything except last four chars of C[11] (field 12)
    holder=${C[11]#$front}       # Remove $front from front of C[12] and store in holder
    echo "$holder"

If all you want is the last four digits of the phone numbers on lines 11 through 22 of your data file and the phone number is the last field on those 12 lines, a couple of simple ways to do that are:

echo "Using awk:"
awk -F- '
NR < 11 {next}
NR > 22 {exit}
        {print $NF}' $1
echo "Using sed:"
sed -n '11,22s/.*-//p' $1
awk '{ split($NF,a,"-"); print a[2]  }' filename

Not a good solution since he only needs info form line 11 to 22
You need some like this

awk 'NR>=11&&NR<=22 {split($NF,a,"-"); print a[2] }' filename
awk -F- 'NR>=11&&NR<=22 {print $NF}' filename