echoing two variables in one statement

I have the following
foreach var (STO SNY WKF)

set ta = 5



How can I echo both variables at the same time. Something to the effect of

echo ${$var}ta

But this doesn't work. Seems like it would. Thanks.


Yeah I didn't phrase my question the way I wanted to. Let me try again.

Given the following:
foreach var (t v w)

grep $var ./file > ./newfile

set ${var}temp = `awk '{print $2}' ./newfile`

now this is where I need help
how can I echo each variable with only one echo statement, essentially, do:

echo $ttemp $vtemp $wtemp

But doing this with alot of variables, creates a long script, and is not very efficient.

I've tried the following

echo ${$var}temp, this doesn't work


Hopefully this makes more sense than before.

Thanks in advance.

I may not have understood the problem correctly - and it looks a bit artificial, not homework is it? - but it looks as if you trying to set variables where the variable name is created from the loop variable (t, v, w) and 'tmp' (i.e. ttmp, vtmp, wtmp)?
If so then you need to use 'eval' to do the substitutions for the variable name before assigning it a value. Something like:

for var in t v w do
  grep $var ./file > ./newfile
  eval ${var}tmp=`awk '{print $2}' ./newfile`
  eval print ${var}tmp set

Note that this will fail if the 'grep' finds more than one matching line

If I've got hold of the wrong end of the twig then try a more detailed explanation of what you are trying to achieve



thanks for the help, don't worry it isn't homework.