echo to both screen and a file

Please help me to simplify my below script.



echo "Hello"
echo "Hello" >> /tmp/log.txt

Is there anyway, that I can echo "Hello" to both screen and file with one single echo command ?

echo "Hello" | tee log.txt

if you want to append the logg continuously, you can use
echo "Hello" | tee -a log.txt


Thank you for your tip.

Let say if there are more than one command

echo "Hello" | tee >> log.txt
Date | tee >> log.txt

Is there a way that I can use to ouput both to screen and log file without re-using tee command ?

just use tee like ilan suggested. scrap the redirection operators

echo "Hello" | tee log.txt
date | tee -a log.txt

Sorry for not making my intention clear. I would like to get all the output of the script to screen and to the log file for all comands in my script.

I think I understand what you require...

This will capture all output from everything in to the screen and to log.txt without modifying

./ |tee -a log.txt

Got it. Thank you much