Echo command not working in the script

I have and echo command which works perfectly in the shell but when i execute in the script it gives me an error code

query is as below

QUERY=`echo  "Select Severity,Dupl_count,Creation_Time,Last_Received,Node_Name,Node_Name,Object,Message_Group,Message_Text,Last_Annotation from " \
                " (  SELECT " \
                "      decode(msg.severity,1,'Unknown',2,'Normal',4,'Warning',8,'Critical',16,'Minor',32,'Major') as Severity " \
                "       , msg.dupl_count    as Dupl_count " \
                "       , TO_CHAR(msg.local_creation_time,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as Creation_Time " \
                "       , TO_CHAR(msg.local_last_time_received,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as Last_Received " \
                "       , node.node_name    as Node_Name " \
                "       , msg.application   as Application " \
                "       , msg.object        as Object " \
                "       , msg.message_group as Message_Group " \
                "       , msgt.text_part    as Message_Text " \
                "       , ann.anno_text     as Last_Annotation " \
                "      FROM     opc_hist_messages msg " \
                "       , opc_hist_msg_text msgt " \
                "       , opc_node_names    node " \
                "       , (SELECT distinct ng.NODE_ID, realm.MSG_GROUP_NAME from OPC_OP_REALM realm, OPC_NODES_IN_GROUP ng where ng.NODE_GROUP_ID =  realm.NODE_GROUP_ID AND realm.USER_ID IN (select USER_ID from OPC_USER_DATA where NAME Like '%ST_API%' )) resp " \
                "        , (SELECT anno.message_number message_number, atxt.text_part as anno_text " \
                    "           FROM   (SELECT   message_number, MAX(anno_number) as anno_number " \
                    "                   FROM     opc_hist_annotation " \
                    "                   GROUP BY message_number) manno, " \
                    "                   opc_hist_annotation anno, " \
                    "                   opc_hist_anno_text atxt " \
                    "           WHERE  manno.message_number    =    anno.message_number " \
                    "             AND  manno.anno_number       =    anno.anno_number " \
                    "             AND  anno.anno_text_id       =    atxt.anno_text_id " \
                    "             AND  atxt.order_number       =    1) ann " \
                "  WHERE    msg.node_id             =  node.node_id AND      node.node_id            = resp.NODE_ID " \
                "  AND      msg.Message_Group       = resp.MSG_GROUP_NAME  AND    msg.message_number      =  msgt.message_number " \
                "  AND    msg.message_number      =  ann.message_number(+) " \
                "  AND    msgt.order_number       =  1 " \
                "  AND    msg.ackn_user  NOT IN ('OpC')" \
                " AND     msg.local_creation_time >= (sysdate - 7) " \
                " UNION " \
                "      SELECT decode(msg.severity,1,'Unknown',2,'Normal',4,'Warning',8,'Critical',16,'Minor',32,'Major') as Severity " \
                "       , msg.dupl_count    as Dupl_count " \
                "       , TO_CHAR(msg.local_creation_time,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as Creation_Time " \
                "       , TO_CHAR(msg.local_last_time_received,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as Last_Received " \
                "       , node.node_name    as Node_Name " \
                "       , msg.application   as Application " \
                "       , msg.object        as Object " \
                "       , msg.message_group as Message_Group " \
                "       , msgt.text_part    as Message_Text " \
                "       , ann.anno_text     as Last_Annotation " \
                "      FROM  OPC_ACT_MESSAGES msg " \
                "       , OPC_MSG_TEXT msgt " \
                "       , opc_node_names    node " \
                "       , (SELECT distinct ng.NODE_ID, realm.MSG_GROUP_NAME from OPC_OP_REALM realm, OPC_NODES_IN_GROUP ng where ng.NODE_GROUP_ID =  realm.NODE_GROUP_ID AND realm.USER_ID IN (select USER_ID from OPC_USER_DATA where NAME Like '%ST_API%')) resp " \
                "        , (SELECT anno.message_number message_number, atxt.text_part as anno_text " \
                    "           FROM   (SELECT   message_number, MAX(anno_number) as anno_number " \
                    "                   FROM     OPC_ANNOTATION " \
                    "                   GROUP BY message_number) manno, " \
                    "                   OPC_ANNOTATION anno, " \
                    "                   OPC_ANNO_TEXT atxt " \
                    "           WHERE  manno.message_number    =    anno.message_number " \
                                         "             AND  manno.anno_number       =    anno.anno_number " \
                    "             AND  anno.anno_text_id       =    atxt.anno_text_id " \
                    "             AND  atxt.order_number       =    1) ann " \
                "  WHERE    msg.node_id             =  node.node_id " \
                "  AND      node.node_id            = resp.NODE_ID " \
                "  AND      msg.Message_Group       = resp.MSG_GROUP_NAME " \
                "  AND    msg.message_number      =  msgt.message_number " \
                "  AND    msg.message_number      =  ann.message_number(+) " \
                "  AND    msgt.order_number       =  1 " \
                "  AND     msg.local_creation_time >= (sysdate - 7)  " \
                " )  order by Creation_Time "`

when i execute this in script i get error

but when i take echo part and simply execute it in shell it works fine.
dont know what i am doing wrong here

Try without the echo ` `

QUERY="Select Severity,Dupl_count,Creation_Time,Last_Received,Node_Name,Node_Name,Object,Message_Group,Message_Text,Last_Annotation from " \
      " )  order by Creation_Time "

Also, any characters after the \ will cause it to fail, including carriage returns. So if you're saving your scripts from Microsoft Notepad that's a problem.