Echo all numbers in file +/-1

I have a plain text file,

344 392 352 341
405 327 456 765
234 457 874 154
301 356 789 554

I need a bash script or command (Solaris 10 or Fedora 18) that echos or prints each of the values alongside with the value PLUS ONE, and the value MINUS ONE.

echo $value $value+1 $value-1

344 345 343 392 393 391 352 353 351 341 342 340
405 406 404 327 328 326 456 457 455 765 766 764
234 235 233 457 458 456 874 875 873 154 155 153
301 302 300 356 357 355 789 790 788 554 555 553

There are about 100 lines, each value is 100-999
There are only 4 numbers per line.

awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){printf ("%d %d %d ",$i,$i+1,$i-1)}print ""}' inuput_file


---------- Post updated at 03:51 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:42 PM ----------

On Solaris, you may want to use nawk



awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) $i=$i" "$i+1" "$i-1}1' numbers.txt
perl -pe 's/\b(\d+)\b/$1." ".($1+1)." ".($1-1)/eg' file