E-mailing Multiple Attachments in AIX

Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to write ascript on AIX 5.3, that will e-mail all filles within a directory. But on executing a script , it sends only 1 file from the directory alongwith some Junk data.
I have searched whole forum and almost used all the suggestions, but still getting same problem.

Can anyone help me please??

I have used below codes in my scripts


uuencode <attachment.pdf> <attachment.pdf>|mailx -s <subject> <mail_id> < <Message_file.txt>


(cat $msg; uuencode $attach1 in1.txt ; uuencode $attach2 in2.txt ) | mailx -m -r "subject" abc@xyz.com 
(  cat body.txt 
   uuencode pic.jpg pic.jpg
) | mailx -s "subject" abc@xyz.com

Unfortunately I don't have AIX, but maybe it's just a missing semicolon?

(cat body.txt; uuencode pic.jpg pic.jpg) | ...

like it's described here: Email multiple file attachment from Solairs / AIX / HP-UX UNIX/ Linux command line

I tried after adding semicolon(:wink: to the code but still not working and getting 1 mail attachment and Junk data

My question, does AIX support sending multiple attachments in e-mail... ??


Yes, it's possible.

cat << ! | mailx -s "subject" abc@xyz.com
$(cat body.txt)
$(uuencode file1 file1.txt)
$(uuencode file2 file2.txt)
$(uuencode file3 file3.txt)
$(uuencode file4 file4.txt)

Scottn, I tried ur code, but getting 1 file as an attachments only!! Same Problem