dynamic allocation vs static allocation in c

i wrote a tiny version of tail command using a large buffer statically allocated but, in a second time, i found another version in which i use a bidimensional array dynamically allocated.
here is the first version

 /*my tiny tail, it prints the last 5 line of a file
#define MAXSIZE 5000
void flush(char* buff,int n);
int main(int argc,char*argv[]){
    int i,n,fd,count;
    char buff[MAXSIZE];
    if (argc<2){printf("no file name inserted\n"),exit(1);}
    else if(argc>2) printf("too many parameters\n"),exit(1);
        if((fd=open(argv[1],O_RDONLY))<0) {perror("open error"),exit(1);}
        /*file opened in readonly mode*/
        lseek(fd,-1,SEEK_END);/*the offset points the char before the end of file*/
        flush(buff,MAXSIZE);/*clean the buffer*/
            if((read(fd,&buff,sizeof(char)))<0) perror("read error"),exit(1);
            if(buff=='\n') ++count;/*count increments when the program meet a new line */
            lseek(fd,-2,SEEK_CUR);/*read puts the offset one char forward */
    return 0;    
void flush(char* buff,int n){
    int i;
    for(i=0;i<n;++i) buff=0;

the question is:
in program like this with large buffer is better dynamic allocation or static?
(PS: sorry for my bad english :o)

What's the difference? Memory is memory.

The size of the executable will generally be smaller with dynamic memory allocation.

Can you say why you need the buffer...is it just for printing the last line. Dynamic allocation maybe slower than static allocation due to the overhead of calling malloc otherwise as noted memory is memory.

Does that include stack allocation as in the example? Didn't think it had to put that in any data segment the way it would with globals.