Dvd files concatenate error: Not enough space


I downloaded the latest sparc ver of sol10, tried to concatenate the files and encounter error: Not enough space on the disk. Tried from both sol10 x86 and winxp.

command used:
UNIX: cat file1 file2 file3 file4 file5 > file.iso
DOS: copy /b file1 + file2 + file3 + file4 + file5 file.iso

My hard disk configuration:
C, Winxp: Free space = 6gb
D, Data: Free space = 40gb
Solaris 10: Free space = 5gb

The iso files were saved in my D drive. My first thought was my solaris and winxp partition sizes needs at least 9gb free space each but then this is my 3rd installaton. The first 2 time I concetanate and install, it went through. The harddisk free size is about the same and partition is the same. So how come it fail now? The only other things that change is Windows Update.

Hi, I resize my winxp disk and now have 15.8gb freespace.
Still same error.

post the outputs from

"df -k" and "pwd" when running the concatenation, where the space is matters.

Thks reborg. I see your point but my solaris have crash after an update. Btw the new 15.8gb freespace was on winxp. Perhaps the download files itself have errors. I didnt do a hash check. I have already deleted all the files. Will try to redownload and retry. If same, will post the output you named.