dummie questions

im a copletely newbie... i havent installed linux yet, but i wanna quit windows cuz i dont get it anymore... anything is better than this :mad: ... anyway...:

does linux runs all file extensions thats windows does? i mean, .doc, .exe, .bat, .psp, etc? i reallly dunno how it works...

normal windows programs like photoshop, adobes etc run in linux?

ahnn... and what about drivers? i got a tablet and im afraid it wont run in linux...

is there a kind of version of msn messenger there? i dont think so, cuz msn is microsoft's (argh), but i wont die just for asking.

i use mozilla firefox, and its way better than IE... i hope that linux works the same way :smiley:

silly questions, eh?

see the answers in red

I haven't used it.

but search and read up on a program called 'wine' that is used to run Windows applications on Linux.

Also these days you shouldn't really have any problems trying to find drivers for hardware with Linux.

GNU/Linux apps will read just about all files. It won't run most files which are proprietry types, but you might be able to find a converter.
.doc files can be converted with Antiword, some can be opened in Abiword or OpenOffice.
bat files are just DOS scripts, you wont need to worry about these, since you would just create different scripts using the shell you chose to run.
.exe files won't run natively on GNU/Linux, since they are Windows compiled binaries. To run some exe's, you could try using wine as was suggested, but, you should look for native GNU/Linux apps to replace those Windows counterparts. Your not doing a good job of "quitting Windows" if your still trying to run Windows apps on GNU/Linux.

There is The Gimp, and even Corel's PhotoPaint, which are native GNU/Linux apps. But without using some sort of emulator or similar, you wont be able to run MS Windows programs on GNU/Linux.

Depending on what type of tablet it is, it may or may not work. There seems to be plenty of support for Watcom tablets.

There is GAIM which is a multi-protocol chat client which has support of MSN, Yahoo, AOL, ICQ, IRC, Jabber...

GNU/Linux has plenty of web browsers, Firefox is available, as well as Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Galeon, Konqueror, Opera, Dillo....