Dual Solaris On same Disk


I have a 120GB Hard disk on SUN Blade 1500 machine.

Is it possible to have Solaris 8 and Solaris 10 on same disk.

In case if it is possible, then what would be the initail steps to be carried out before installation.

Thanks in advance.

From Sunsolve:
This is an example of how to install three Solaris releases on one disk;
you may want to change the order and Solaris versions.

  1. First (Solaris 9) install:

    Partition the slices as follow for a 18gb (for example) disk:

    c0t0d0s0 4gb / (we will use this one for solaris 9)
    c0t0d0s1 1gb swap
    c0t0d0s2 overlap
    c0t0d0s3 4gb sol8
    c0t0d0s4 4gb sol7
    c0t0d0s5 -
    c0t0d0s6 -
    c0t0d0s7 5gb /sharedspace

  • You can use the installation CD or the software 1/2 CD.

NOTE: The installation cd will erase all data on the disk, so it is better
to use
the software 1/2 CD if data on the disk is to be preserved.

  • During the installation you will reach the window with "auto" or "manual
    layout" choose "manual layout", then "edit".

  • To save some time later, you can name the partitions after what you want
    to install on them later (/sol8 if you intend to use a partition for
    Solaris 8, for instance).

  1. Second Solaris 8 install:
  • Boot from the software CD 1/2 of the Solaris release to be installed.

  • when you reach "select disk", choose the same hard disk again.

  • the next window is "Preserve Data?", choose "preserve".

  • rename the / slice of c0t0d0s0 to /s9 and select "preserve" (so that
    the solaris 9 install on slice 0 will not be overwritten).

  • continue and select manual layout, then customize

  • In the solaris 9 install (see step 1), you partitioned on slice 3
    c0t0d0s3, solaris 8 (sol8)

  • specify swap again with same size as you used in step 1.

  • now in the customize window specify on slice 3 "/" with the same size
    as you specified in step 1.

  • define /sharedspace on slice 7 (c0t0d0s7) (again with same size).
    This way you will be able to boot solaris 8, write a file in /sharedspace
    reboot to solaris 9 and verify that the file is still there.

  1. Third (Solaris 7) install:
  • same as in 2, but now you have to preserve slice 0 (solaris9)
    and slice 3 (solaris 8), so rename slice 3 to /sol8 and continue

  • specify swap with the same size as used earlier.

  • specify "/" in slice 4 (c0t0d0s4) with size

  • define on slice 7 /sharedspace again with same size

  1. Create bootaliases for each Solaris version
  • ok>show-disks
  • you will get a alphabetical list of devices
  • select the bootdisk (letter "a" for example)

create aliases:

  • ok>nvalias 9 ^Y (devicepath/disk)

("^Y" is "control-Y")

Use the corrsponding letter to determine the path to the slice ("a" equals
slice 0, "b", equals slice 1 and so on), then add @0,0:<slice> to the end
of the disk name.

@0,0:a <--- Solaris 9, which was installed on slice 0.

  • for solaris 8, which we installed on slice 3, we use:
    ok>nvalias 8 ^Y (devicepath/disk)@0,0:d

  • and finally, for solaris 7, which is slice 4, we use:
    ok>nvalias 7 ^Y (devicepath/disk)@0,0:e

finally setup the boot-device + diag-device variables correctly for 9,8 and 7.

ok>setenv boot-device 9 8 7 net

ok>setenv diag-device 9 8 7 net

you can now choose which os you want to boot from, all installed on one disk:

ok>boot 9
ok>boot 8
ok>boot 7

NOTE:Each os will mount /sharedspace and be able to read/ write into it.