Dual output (stdout and file)

Hello everybody,

Is there a more elegant way to make dual output (display on standard output and append to a file) while I'm executing a shell script, besides duplicating the echo command for every string?

echo "Message..." > 1
echo "Message..." >> myfile.out

Thank you for your time,

echo "message...." | tee -a myfile.out


LogMsg() {

 #Redirecting the Output just to the Log file.
 #print "$@:$(date +%d/%m/%y:%H:%M:%S)"  >> $LOG_FILE

 #Redirection to stdout and file.
 print "$@:$(date +%d/%m/%y:%H:%M:%S)"  | tee -a $LOG_FILE

CallB() {
 LogMsg "Entering CallB routine"

Main() {
 LogMsg "Entering the function"

#Call the Main Function here.

Just in case in future after having tested code you may have to remove logging,using the above approach you have just haveto change the LOG_FILE=/dev/null or LogMsg function.

Pls comment of the above approach.

Nagarajan Ganesan.