Dual NIC problem


I have a problem with a server disconnecting from the network.

This is a SUN box with dual NIC's running Solaris 8.

We have a Nokia router that routes traffic but it's virtual address doesn't respond to pings. When the SUN box sends out a ping, if nothing comes back it will shut down that NIC and send out a ping on the second NIC. A ping is also sent out through this NIC and, when it doesn't get a response from the ping, the second NIC is shutdown, so the server is cut off from the network.

Any ideas as to how to resolve this or, at least, to get around it?


Is this a script or software shutting down the interface just because a ping doesn't get answered?

If so, fix the script - get different software - change the router to respond to pings.

Please explain your problem in more detail including what is shutting down the interface.

your router could be configure with ACL(access list control) l which is denying or bloking icmp packets
configure your router to allow icmp from the sun box.

I don't quit no what shuting your interface down.

perhabs your router don't like suns idea to have the same MAC addresse for each NIC in the mashine....


eeprom local-mac-addresse?=true

if true, network drivers use their own MAC address, not the system's. default is false

greetings pressy

I'm not sure if this is relevant to your problem, but it might be.

Solaris boxes will act as routers themselves if they have 2 NICs by default. Could your Sun be trying to route, and conflicting with your other router?

To prevent this behavior, you use touch to create a file called /etc/notrouter. When the system finds that file on boot it does not do routing.

Check to see if that file is there, and create it then reboot if it isn't. Maybe that will help your situation.

Thanx for all your help.

rhfrommn, I think you may have something there. I'm gonna give that a try.