Dual Booting - Solaris image CD doesn't read in BIOS

I am trying to install solaris 10-x86 as second OS on top of Windows XP. I have downloaded iso image from Oracle website and burned into bootable cd. when I loaded into CD-drive and made changes in BIOS to boot from CD. Its not reading from CD drive.

After restarting the system with CD(solaris cd) to boot, the below information comes,
"ATAPI booting from CD:ROM : "
and after that it loads to Windows XP
PC configuration and BIOS boot sequence information:
MY BIOS -boot sequence:Boot from CD is First option Second option is Boot from HDD

I tried to disable the power management in BIOS and OS is getting Hung after reading the boot device...

Awaiting for ur inputs or documents on this.....


It sounds like the CD you burned is not a bootable CD.

1) Check your machine by running a detection tool (usually found where HCL is) on it to see if Solaris 10 can be installed on it
2) If it is ok then make sure the CD you are using is okay to burn Solaris onto - This is also found at the same page

this may sound like a dumb thing to suggest, but did you actually burn the contents of the iso image or just burn the .iso file on the cd?

if thats the case we have all made that mistake before. :slight_smile:

it may be bootable cd problem or some partition issue

I will try to burn a new DVD for fresh installation..


I have checked my system (desktop) with pre-install script from oracle. it passed that test, I can install the solaris in my system.

I am trying to burn the solaris iso image saved in harddrive in bootable format using poweriso.

I tryed without the adding booting information. Its not working....can anyone help on this...

im not sure what the problem is, but I can offer you this: are you positive that you are burning it as the image and not as the iso file itself?

I have burned the solaris iso image using magic iso Software...

I had option to load boot image. to make bootable Cd

I couldnt find it.. I downloaded the ezproxy-sol10.bin and burned it.

When I load my desktop with CD its saying

Booting from ATAPI CDROM:

It got stuck here..

can anyone post boot image file or useful CD recorder....
