Dual booting problem

Hi all,
I have an problem with dual booting.

I installed windows7 and i want to install redhat linux on same system. When i insert the cd and boot with the cd it is not showing the hard drive. If i boot with hard disk its booting with windows7. But, if i boot with cdrom it is showing an error with hard drive.
What is my problem. can any body show me the proper solution for this.


Which? Does it not show the hard drive at all, or does it show some sort of error?

I'd tend to think this comes from using an older version of it and not a more modern one which would probably support your computer better.

Thanks for your reply,
When i am booting with cd and after going to installation it is giving the error after the step of create custum lay out option. am using redhat 5.0 and am using dell laptop. but i can boot with hard disk and it is not giving any error while i am booting with harddisk.

am giving like first bootdevice is cdrom and second boot device is hard disk.


Are you using RHEL 5.0 or Red Hat 5.0? If it is Red Hat 5.0, perhaps a distribution made sometime this decade would be better. If it is RHEL, again, perhaps a later version, such as 5.5 or later would benefit you.

What type of hardware is this running on?

Thanks for your reply,
This is my hardware and bios configuration.

system: del inspiron 1501
bios: 1.7.0 version
processor: amd turion(rm)64 mobile technology MK 36,MMX,3DNow, 2.0 Ghz.
Ram: 512
hard disk: 60GB

Perhaps you can re-read my question and mention the actual version of the operating system.

Thanks Mark for your reply.

I done it yesterday. The problem is the os which i was trying to install i.e, rhel 5.0. Today i installed rhel 5.5 it was installing.

Thanks guys.

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