Drop records with non-numerics in field X

I have tab delimited file and need to remove all records prior to sort, that have non-numerics in the Field 2. valid/invalid field 2 data examples are:
" 123" valid
"1 23" invalid
" NOPE" invalid

I've tried this awk it does not recognize tab as the delimiter or check all characters in field 2:
awk -Ftab '$1 ~ /^[0-9]/ { print $1 }'<$ebs_filter_file

I've also played around with sed, but can't seem to get it. Any help would be appreciated!


awk -F"\t" '$1 ~ /[a-z]/ { print $0 }' test

Thanks! Still having an issue with situations that contain both alpha & numeric characters such as "12A3" & "4 6" comes back as valid, when I want to drop them. Is there anything I can put in/around the expression to check all characters in the field?

awk -F"\t" '{if ($2 !~ /[A-Za-z ]/) {print $2 "\t valid"; } else {print $2 "\t invalid";}}' filename


123      valid
1 23     invalid
123AB    invalid
ABD123   invalid
12345    valid
NOPE     invalid
1234     invalid

or if you want to drop those which are alphanumberic,try

awk -F"\t" '$2 !~ /[A-Za-z ]/ { print $0 }' filename