Drive issue under Windows

I recently got myself a new 2 TB drive.

However everytime I connect the drive it doesn't have a drive letter, so I have to open the diskmgmt.msc and manually reassign it (EVERY TIME I connect the Drive...)

Also the Drive appears to have no Recycle Bin.

It always prompts to instantly delete files when I try to delete them from the harddrive.

I'm open to any suggestions as I never had such problem

BTW: This problem occurs on ANY other windows PC I have aswell, Windows 7 is my OS.

I've noticed this with a friends drive as well. Since it wasn't mine, I never looked into it much.

I'm curious, what file system is it formatted with? What model drive?

Formatted in NTFS.
Model: Western Digital Mobile Green

The funny thing is:

I can do two things:

  1. Use the plate with a standard 2,5" drive adapter, then the problematic I posted will appear.


  1. Use it with one of the "R-Driver III USB 2.0 TO SATA IDE Cable Adapters" and Windows will ALWAYS:
  • assign a drive letter to it,

BUT prompt me to fomat it.
=> running testdrive over that one will tell me that the "harddrive is too small, it seems to be a 13 GigaByte Drive :eek:.

To complete this post:
On how I created this disk:
I used the Integral copy station to copy my old harddrive bit-for-bit towards the new Western Digital one.

If nothing helps I will have to buy another 2TB one, copy my stuff to that one using windows and then copy all data back to the WD - again using Windows.

Too bad Windows takes 2 days to do that...

The only thing I could also try would be:
Insert the drive directly to my pc.

Did you consider wiping the entire disk, and start from zero, i.e. partitioning/formatting the device with windows internal tools?

This is currently impossible since I do not have another 2TB Drive laying around to copy my data to...

I will try this as soon as I do.