Drive backup Images

About once a year I update my scripts and make little tweeks. This is my latest...

#! /bin/bash
# OS:      Unix/Linux 
# Name:    hda-to-hdc
# Ver:     03/01/08 
# Purpose: Full disk image copy
# By:      Jan Zumwalt - - root directory list   
# I use the fllowing echo commands that some may not be
# familure with...
# -e = enable interpretation of backslash codes
# -n = disable newline at end of line (i.e. user input prompt)
# \t = tab
# This program uses (and offers to create) $HOME/logs/backup.log
# The dd command is used; where "if" stands for "in file"
# and "of" is the "out file". Therefore "if" is the source
# drive and "of" is the target drive.
# The source and target are designated by hda, hdb, hdc, hdd, etc.
# hda thru hdd are the four drives that may be connected to the 
# computers IDE cables. Numbers behind these designations are the
# partitions. So, hda1 is the first drive and the first partition.
# hdb3 would be the second drive and the third partition.
# This program can also be used for other drives and cables such
# as SCSI or SATA. It has been several years since I used it for 
# these and so I did not risk giving an example that may be 
# outdated or have an error.
while :
echo ; echo ; echo
echo -e "\t            Drive Image Copy"
echo -e "\t            By:  Jan Zumwalt"
echo -e "\t             Ver 03/01/08\n"
echo -e "\tThis program copies the entire disk image "
echo -e "\tfrom [hda] to the [hdc] drive. (hda --> hdc)"
echo -en "\tIs this what you want to do? [y/n/q] "
   case $ANSWER in 
         echo -e "\tOK! Here we go..."
            # see if log directory exist
     	   if [ ! -d $HOME/logs ]; then
 	         echo -e "\n\n\t\t*** Log directory not found ***"
               echo -en "\n\tShould I create the directory I need for logs (\$Home/logs)? "
               read ANSWER2
   		   case $ANSWER2 in 
               mkdir $HOME/logs
            # opertunity to add comment to log file
	      echo -e "\n\tYou may now add a comment for the log file..."
         echo -en "\t"        
         read ANSWER
         echo -e "\t"$ANSWER >> $HOME/logs/backup.log  
            # save backup starting time
         echo -en "\tBackup start time = " `date`
         echo -e "\tBackup start time = " `date` >> $HOME/logs/backup.log
            # The actual backup is done here. Included are some possible options.
            # These options are machine specific - here are mine...
            # dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdc1 # image win partition
            # dd if=/dev/hda7 of=/dev/hdc7 # image linux partition
         dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdc bs=1024k
            # save backup ending time
         echo -e "\n\tBackup end time = " `date`"\n"
         echo -e "\tBackup end time = " `date` >> $HOME/logs/backup.log
            # success - show log file and exit
         echo -e "\tScript completed succesfully.\n"
         echo -e "\t*******************************************"
         echo -e "\t***   Here is a copy of your log file   ***"
         echo -e "\t*******************************************"
         cat $HOME/logs/backup.log
         echo -en "\n\tPress the [ENTER] key to exit."
         read ANSWER
         exit 0;;
            # we are here because the user said not to run
         echo -e "\tOK! I am quiting..."
         echo -en "\tPress the [ENTER] key to exit."
         read ANSWER
         exit 1;;
            # the users response does not make sense so...
      *) echo
         echo -e "\tPlease answer with y/n/q " 
         echo -en "\tPress the [ENTER] key to try again..."
         read ANSWER
         clear ;;
exit 1

Every year I update and tweak my scripts, here is my latest...
It takes about 2-1/2 hrs to disk image my 250gb drive :slight_smile:

#! /bin/bash
# OS:      Unix/Linux 
# Name:    hda-to-hdc
# Ver:     03/01/08 
# Purpose: Full disk image copy
# By:      Jan Zumwalt -   
# I use the fllowing echo commands that some may not be
# familure with...
# -e = enable interpretation of backslash codes
# -n = disable newline at end of line (i.e. user input prompt)
# \t = tab
# This program uses (and offers to create) $HOME/logs/backup.log
# The dd command is used; where "if" stands for "in file"
# and "of" is the "out file". Therefore "if" is the source
# drive and "of" is the target drive.
# The source and target are designated by hda, hdb, hdc, hdd, etc.
# hda thru hdd are the four drives that may be connected to the 
# computers IDE cables. Numbers behind these designations are the
# partitions. So, hda1 is the first drive and the first partition.
# hdb3 would be the second drive and the third partition.
# This program can also be used for other drives and cables such
# as SCSI or SATA. It has been several years since I used it for 
# these and so I did not risk giving an example that may be 
# outdated or have an error.
while :
echo ; echo ; echo
echo -e "\t            Drive Image Copy"
echo -e "\t            By:  Jan Zumwalt"
echo -e "\t             Ver 03/01/08\n"
echo -e "\tThis program copies the entire disk image "
echo -e "\tfrom [hda] to the [hdc] drive. (hda --> hdc)"
echo -en "\tIs this what you want to do? [y/n/q] "
   case $ANSWER in 
         echo -e "\tOK! Here we go..."
            # see if log directory exist
     	   if [ ! -d $HOME/logs ]; then
 	         echo -e "\n\n\t\t*** Log directory not found ***"
               echo -en "\n\tShould I create the directory I need for logs (\$Home/logs)? "
               read ANSWER2
   		   case $ANSWER2 in 
               mkdir $HOME/logs
            # opertunity to add comment to log file
	      echo -e "\n\tYou may now add a comment for the log file..."
         echo -en "\t"        
         read ANSWER
         echo -e "\t"$ANSWER >> $HOME/logs/backup.log  
            # save backup starting time
         echo -en "\tBackup start time = " `date`
         echo -e "\tBackup start time = " `date` >> $HOME/logs/backup.log
            # The actual backup is done here. Included are some possible options.
            # These options are machine specific - here are mine...
            # dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdc1 # image win partition
            # dd if=/dev/hda7 of=/dev/hdc7 # image linux partition
            # Here we go!!!
         dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdc bs=1024k
            # save backup ending time
         echo -e "\n\tBackup end time = " `date`"\n"
         echo -e "\tBackup end time = " `date` >> $HOME/logs/backup.log
            # success - show log file and exit
         echo -e "\tScript completed succesfully.\n"
         echo -e "\t*******************************************"
         echo -e "\t***   Here is a copy of your log file   ***"
         echo -e "\t*******************************************"
         cat $HOME/logs/backup.log
         echo -en "\n\tPress the [ENTER] key to exit."
         read ANSWER
         exit 0;;
            # we are here because the user said not to run
         echo -e "\tOK! I am quiting..."
         echo -en "\tPress the [ENTER] key to exit."
         read ANSWER
         exit 1;;
            # the users response does not make sense so...
      *) echo
         echo -e "\tPlease answer with y/n/q " 
         echo -en "\tPress the [ENTER] key to try again..."
         read ANSWER
         clear ;;
exit 1