Download file with socket syscall

Hello to all
I want download a file in osx intel 64 with NASM , I want to use socket syscall
This is part of my code

section .data
command      db "GET /test/2.gif HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n", 0
; url                   db "", 0

global main
section .text

    mov rdx, 6                  ; rdx = IPPROTO_TCP = 6
    mov rsi, 1                  ; rsi = AF_NET = 1 
    mov rdi, 2                  ; rdi = SOCK_STREAM = 2 
    mov rax, 0x2000061            ; socket syscall = 97
    syscall                     ; call socket(SOCK_STREAM, AF_NET, IPPROTO_TCP);
    mov r12, rax                ; Save the socket
    mov r13, 0xB901010A50000101 ; IP = FFFFFFFF, Port = 5C11(4444)
    mov r9b, 0xFF               ; The sock_addr_in is + FF from where we need it
    sub r13, r9                 ; So we sub 0xFF from it to get the correct value and avoid a null
    push r13                    ; Push it on the stack
    mov r13, rsp                ; Save the sock_addr_in into r13
;       mov r13, 0xB901010A50000002 ; IP = 0A0101B9, Port = 50(80)
;       push r13                    ; Push it on the stack
;       mov r13, rsp                ; Save the sock_addr_in into r13
    mov rax, 0x2000062            ; connect syscall = 98
    mov rdi, r12                ; move the saved socket fd into rdi
    mov rsi, r13                ; move the saved sock_addr_in into rsi
    add rdx, 0x10               ; add 0x10 to rdx
    syscall                     ; call connect(rdi, rsi, rdx)
    mov rax, 0x2000085            ; connect syscall = 113
    mov rdi, r12                ; move the saved socket fd into rdi
    mov  r14 , command
    mov  rsi, r14                ; move the saved sock_addr_in into rsi
    mov  rdx, 0x2e               ; add 0x2e to rdx
    mov  rcx, 0
    mov  r8, r13
    mov  r9, 0x10
    syscall                     ; call sendto(rdi, rsi, rdx)
    mov     rdi, r12
    mov     rax, 0x2000006 ; close
    mov     rax, 0x2000001 ; exit
    mov     rdi, 0x0

In this code , I can create socket and connect and close it (I see it in wireshark and dtruss don't show error). but sendto syscall not send my command ( wireshark don't show my http request in flow tcp stream and dtruss show -1 err#22 for sendto in return value).

please help me .

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