Doubt on setserial command

My understanding is that "setserial" command is used to change the attributes of
serial device files (ttyS) managed by the linux serial driver(serial module).

My doubt is, using setserial command is it possible to change the attributes of other serial device files managed by a different driver (different module)?

Please let me know...:b:

I have never heard of 'setserial' but assume it is equivalent to stty. It's the same system call either way, in the end.

Yes, baud rate should work for any kind of terminal interface that actually has a baud rate... I have used it to set the baud rates of USB to serial converters which use the 'ftdi-sio' module, for example.

There are terminal interfaces that don't actually have baud rates of course. Virtual terminals, for example -- as far as an application can tell, every console window, including ssh and xterms, communicate over serial ports. You can change their baud rate all you want but it won't do a thing, because the data wasn't ever transmitted over a real serial port.

The same goes for certain kinds of USB interfaces that pretend to be serial ports for application convenience, but don't actually output real RS232 on the other end.

You can also try ioctl, which is lower level, and I think, gives more control.