Doubt on fixed ip address assinged by dhcp server?

we can assign a dynamic and fixed ip address for a dhcp_client through dhcp server ,
if it is dynamic ip address , it would be having lease time and renews after half of the leasetime gets over.
would the same funda applies for fixed ip address to .. i dont think so ... please confirm on the same.

let me be more clear , we are assigning fixed ip address using dhcp server . would it have renewal cycle as that of dynamic ip address which is also assigned through dhcp server.

What the renewal cycle is depends on the dhcp server and how you configure it. AFAIK there aren't any DHCP addresses without renewal cycles, though you could make it a long renewal cycle.

Unless it is a workstation, it is very unusual to have fixed IP's be served by DHCP. Doesnt that create an additional point of failure for you - in case the DHCP server crashes and the machine with the fixed IP is being rebooted? In any case, you should be able to see the lease parameters in your dhcpd log.

as long as there is a dhcp server there are always check cycles say dynamic/static address