doubt in df -h

in my parition i hav parition like this

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2              24G   22G  756M  97% /
/dev/sda5             248G  1.2G  234G   1% /else
/dev/sda1             965M   24M  892M   3% /boot
tmpfs                 7.0G     0  7.0G   0% /dev/shm

my question is


that means inside root -- else and boot file structure . but when i delete some files in else . only else parition space is reduce . root file size is not reducing

please can you help ?

df sums up the physically used space for each partition, not for a directory. No data in a mount is counted against the parent, but only against that partition. So if you remove a file from /else it won't affect the root partition since they are physically separate.