doubt in awk

Hi ,
I have a file in the below format:


awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%1s", "man" )} '
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%9s", "women" )} '
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%56s", "human")} '
echo "$!"
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%1s", "aaa" )} '
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%19s", "bbb" )} '
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%24s", "ccc" )} '
### #
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%1s", "rrr"} '
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%31s", "ddd"}'
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%43s","eeee"}'

I want to convert it to the below file:


awk 'BEGIN {
printf ("%1s", "man" );
printf ("%9s", "women" );
printf ("%56s", "human")}'
echo "$!"
awk 'BEGIN {
printf ("%1s", "aaa");
printf ("%19s", "bbb");
printf ("%24s","ccc" )}'
### #
awk 'BEGIN {
printf ("%1s", "rrr");
printf ("%19s", "ddd");
printf ("%24s","eeee")}'

Can this be done?
Thanks in advance

awk -v sq="'" -F "[}{]" '
  /^awk/ && n == 0 { print "awk", sq, "BEGIN {" }
  /^awk/ { print $2; n = 1 }
  n == 1 && ! /^awk/ { n = 0; print "}" sq }
  ! /^#/ { print }
  END {  print "}" sq }
' "$FILE"


Hi Johnson ,

I got the out as below :

awk ' BEGIN {
printf ("%1s", "man" )
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%1s", "man" )} '
printf ("%9s", "women" )
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%9s", "women" )} '
printf ("%56s", "human")
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%56s", "human")} '
echo "$!"
awk ' BEGIN {
printf ("%1s", "aaa" )
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%1s", "aaa" )} '
printf ("%19s", "bbb" )
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%19s", "bbb" )} '
printf ("%24s", "ccc" )
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%24s", "ccc" )} '
echo "$!"
awk ' BEGIN {
printf ("%1s", "rrr")
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%1s", "rrr")} '
printf ("%31s", "ddd")
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%31s", "ddd")}'
printf ("%43s","eeee")
awk 'BEGIN { printf ("%43s","eeee")}'

Am trying to tune the code a bit so tat I can reach to the required o/p
Thanks a lot for ur time

Am still not getting it solved ..

This puts the closing quote on a separate line, maybe that's acceptable?

awk -v sq="'" '
{ if (/^awk .BEGIN { /){
    if (prev) gsub("awk " sq "BEGIN", "");
    gsub ("} *" sq, "}");
    prev = 1;
  } else {
    if (prev) printf ("%c\n", sq);
    prev = 0;
  print }
END { if (prev) printf "%c\n", sq }' 1.txt

You are missing a closing parenthesis in some of the printfs in the input file, but I guess we weren't supposed to solve that too.