Dot profile not found error

During batch processing the following error occurs and will stop the process, ~environment_name/.profile : not found. The error happens randomly. Any ideas?

do you mean environment variable ?

Then it may not be exported !

The environment_name is really a place holder, it represents our processing ID. ~<actually process id>/.profile

We'd have to see the program to understand why it was making that error, it's odd that it would put a PID there and not a home dir.

That's the problem, it is sporadic and we get this type of error in various scripts that run. It is not just one script, it doesn't happen all the time. It can happen in various places within a script.

Please post actual part of the code that uses ~environment_name/.profile

... and please post the exact and complete error message. I'd expect it to start with the name of your shell.

I can produce a similar error message by typing this at a shell command prompt.


sh: ~environment_name/.profile:  not found.