DOS script to grab the first file in a dir and rename it

Is there any way to use the dir command / some DOS Script to select only first file of similar pattern of files in a direcotory and rename it for example, one directory has 5 files
by use script I would like to select only first file abc_1005.txt and rename(move) it as abc.txt;
For next run, directory has 4 files, script returns the first file as abc_5256.txt and rename it as abc.txt...

In UNIX, the we can use a single line command as
mv `ls /u01/opt/incoming/abc_*.txt | head -1 ` abc.txt

I just wondering is there any similar command or script in DOS?

Thanks for your help,

Hi Raghav,

DOS as well has a single command which does teh same job... see below e.g.

C:\Documents and Settings\ilango>echo . > abc1092.txt

C:\Documents and Settings\ilango>echo . > abc1022.txt

C:\Documents and Settings\ilango>echo . > abc1023.txt

C:\Documents and Settings\ilango>echo . > abc1024.txt

C:\Documents and Settings\ilango>for /F %i in ('dir /B abc*') do move /Y %i abc

C:\Documents and Settings\ilango>move /Y abc1022.txt abc.txt

C:\Documents and Settings\ilango>move /Y abc1023.txt abc.txt

C:\Documents and Settings\ilango>move /Y abc1024.txt abc.txt

C:\Documents and Settings\ilango>move /Y abc1092.txt abc.txt

C:\Documents and Settings\ilango>


Thanks for the reply! i got the solution... :slight_smile:

@echo off & setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
cd D:\apps\Infa\param\
if exist "%1".prm del /F "%1".prm
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir/b/a-d/o/n D:\apps\Infa\param\"%1_"*.prm') do (
ren %%a "%1".prm
goto :eof