Doing stuff to files on a NTFS partion from linux

I have a 50GB section of my hard drive on which I've kept all my music, movies and more back from when I had Windows. When I'm in linux it says that the NTFS section is a read only section. Is it possible to copy, rename, add, move or delete any files off of this section? I'm trying to get rid of some of the old windows files left on it like NTDETECT.COM and more.

You can copy files from an NTFS partition to your Linux partition. My suggestion is, if you don't have a Windows lying around, just copy the files you want to keep to Linux, then remove the NTFS altogether.

There is experimental support in newer 2.6 kernels for writing to NTFS partitions, but it is still unstable and could hose your partition. So if you don't use Windows anymore, do as cbkihong says, backup any data you want, and remove the partition. Then, you can recreate a nice ext3 or reiserfs partition in its place!
