Does your spouse nag you while you passionately code?

Well I don't know how often it happens with you guys, but whenever I am close to solving the issues in the code that time the nagging of my girlfriend becomes excessive.

Which makes me think have I actually been spending so much time coding, or my girlfriend is jealous of my love for unix :wink:

I wish when she would you yell I could use the sleep function on her . Lol just kidding ...

Thank god she doesn't know a thing about unix , else would definitely rm -rf * everything out of anger

I want to know whether you guys face the same and how you handle it?

A few thoughts that might help you:-

  • You might need to work on your interfacing
  • Negotiating access is critical before attempting IO
  • Ensure you use the agreed port
  • Take virus protection seriously
  • Try not to panic the server in any way
  • Interrupts can cause panics, so ensure you have the firewall closed
  • Server processor peaking at 100% active is a good thing
  • Make sure that there is a graceful disconnect in all conversations
  • Scheduled activities on a timer are not as good as following a processing flow in sequence
  • IT promises rarely live up to customer expectations and can cause resentment
  • Beware of setting a "while true" loop unless you can handle the performance requirements
  • Don't just try an upgrade for the fun of it. Commit to your choice as conflicts caused can be irreparable
  • Beware of becoming obsolete yourself

Some people say that men substitute inadequacies by purchasing a big car and perhaps driving it in & out of the garage, but most probably just polish what they've got.

I could go on, but they degrade and get more offensive, so I should stop there from the point of decency. I hope that this has not offended anyone.

Robin :stuck_out_tongue:



This is by far the best double meaning set of phrases I have ever come across
May I ask a question, are the below out of past experience :smiley:

A British lady or gentleman would never discuss such things in public. :rolleyes:


P.S. I drive an ageing VW Passat Estate :eek: It never gets put in the garage and doesn't even get washed, let alone polished. :wink:

Is towing an option ?? :p:p

It's also important to know how to use re-entrant code, how to properly handle ad hoc requirements, and of course what to do with sticky bits.

---------- Post updated at 09:32 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:23 AM ----------

You should also consider having a backup server, outsourcing, a disaster recovery plan in case the primary server finds out about the backup server.


You also need to consider:-

  • Network address conflicts
  • Input requirements
  • Stack overflow
  • Avoiding a system dump
  • Not flushing your buffers too early
  • Avoiding memory contamination from old processes
  • Mount order
  • Expected system services
  • Use of the pretty GUI
  • Use of a more terse but robust TUI
  • Resource allocation
  • Multi-threading
  • Soft links or hard links

Worry about getting the boot

More worryingly, think about hardware diagnostics if you have a failure.

This is all a little male-oriented. Would any of the ladies care to chip in to bring balance to the debate, or are we just being puerile?

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Looks like some sort of Packet filtering has been enabled, that is why no responses from the ladies


A few more thoughts:-

  • Make sure your server does not get a BAUD error
  • Dongles may fix BAUD errors when the server is idle
  • A larger disk is only as good as what you can use it for
  • Your server may have persistent memory for storing critical errors
  • When selecting a server, some have a black box as standard. Check for compatibility with peripherals
  • Incorrect access requests can lead to permanent lock-out
  • Regretting lost features of a previous version could cause the current server terminate processes
  • Security policies are like contraception - no one likes the constraints, but it's too late and very costly if you are caught out
