Does realloc free fairly?

my program works properly but valgrind tells me I am not freeing allocated memory. I think the problem is in realloc.
I am pretty sure I do something wrong with realloc, because I changed it a bit and valgrind noticed less errors (that the program wasn't working properly with less errors is another question).
Thank you very much!
My example:

char *str1;
str1 = malloc(15 * sizeof(char));

for (x;y;z){
  //in this place I need to have str everytime clear - maybe new allocated
  //realloc works properly, but memory (?)

  str1 = realloc(NULL, 15 * sizeof(char));
  str1 = <any data>;
  processIt(str1); //processIt as a void func

You can refer the manual page of realloc. it should be like this:

str1 = realloc(str1, 15 * sizeof(char));

in such case, realloc will free the memory allocated before if need.

when the first parameter is NULL, its function is the same with malloc, of course there is memory leak.

Replace all instances of malloc and realloc with calloc. This way the memory is cleared that is reset to all 0's before starting fresh.

"str1=<any data>;" is leaking memory. That should be something like strncpy, memcpy or the likes