Does Posix support kernel level threading?

Hi All,

Please let me know the following.
1) Does POSIX lib support kernel threads? if yes, please let me know what are the specific function calls used to create/manage kernel threads.
2) Is Posix scalable?
3) Does POSIX take the advantage of multiprocessor systems?

your help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

What is a POSIX lib? is the POSIX threads library for a system that supports POSIX threads. How they are implemented is up to the kernel developer, not POSIX.

For Linux there is one API call: clone() that is unique to linux. It is used to exec new processes to be used mostly for threads.

Is POSIX scalable; multiprocessor support?

This does not make much sense to me:
POSIX is a standard, a set of rules - like a green traffic signal means "go". It doesn't say how big or bright the green light has to be. Just says 'must be green'


Thank you for your quick response.

When I say POSIX, I mean POSIX library, sorry for the confusion.
Let me put it in this way..
Does Posix library(on Redhat linux) has functions to create kernel threads?
for example pthread_create() creates user thread, pls correct me if I am wrong.

Scalability: Is this library scalable (posix lib that is provided with Linux distribution )

Does it(posix lib on linux ) take the advantage of multiprocessor system?

Hope this makes sense.

I had a question just like that on a test once... You know the type of general, all encompassing, testing type of test questions... almost suitable for an essay...


Yes - pthread_create, pthread_join, etc.

try: man pthread it will list dozens of functions