Does anyone have example code for getting File System info on AIX

I'm looking for example C source of how to get file system information on AIX systems. Does anyone have anything?

If your system is SUS1-compliant try

man statvfs.

If your kernel supports it, I'll post an exemple.


Thanks for your reply.

Forgive me but I'm very new to AIX so I don't know how to check if my system is is SUS1-compliant. Can you tell me how to do this? Also, what is the significance of this?

I tried man statvfs but it doesn't look like I have the help for this installed. Also tried the command statvfs and get a message ksh:statvfs: not found.

Many thanks


From the command line:


will list logical volumes for you
try man lslv

Inside of C you have to call a library routine - statvfs is one that gives information on a lot of systems.

Your sysadmin will know what command (from the command line) does what.

What precisely are you trying to do?