DNS Question

I am new to bind, but I have it installed and working, well I think. I am not getting any errors, but my question is. Lets say I have movie.com, and mov.com, with the same in-addr-arpa zone( Is this a problem? movie.com is our main zone and we are trying to get rid of clients that are still using mov.com, but I want to still create it, but the reverse lookup zone just has the entries for movie.com not mov.com. Hope this makes some sense. Thanks in advance for the help.

www.mov.com should be a CNAME to www.movie.com. That is officially supported. My guess is that you might get away with what you're doing. But why not do it right?

I guess I am confused on where to put that cname, if I put it in the db.mov zone and have a cname pointing to movie.com won't I get a error or warning saying that movie.com is out of the zone. Thanks again

We do that all the time and get no error.

Well I put mov.com. IN CNAME movie.com. and when I start it up I don't get any errors but the zone will not transfer and as soon as I comment out that line the zone transfers fine again. The only thing different I am seeing in the messages file is this dns_master_load: db.mov.com:50: mov.com: CNAME and other data Thanks again for the help

You can't do that! Look at my suggestion again.

Sorry to keep coming back to you but I still get errors when I add
www.mov.com IN CNAME www.movie.com I get "multiple RRs of singleton type" Just to make sure I should be putting this entry in the db.mov.com file and not the db.movie.com, and I have my A record for www.movie.com pointing to the name server. Thanks again

You probably have multiple CNAME records for something.