DNS changes not propagating

I recently made a change to the DNS record for a customer - I updated the serial number (I use the yyyymmddnn format) to 2008100101. I HUPed named and checked to make sure it is running again. I dug at the primary nameserver and noticed that the change did not propagate - I ran nslookup with a "set type=soa" and noticed that the serial number is still the old serial number - 2006053001.

I have no idea what is happening. Does anyone have an idea where to look? It all works fine for other domains I handle.


Unless you're accessing directly from your server, your ISP is probably caching it. Check again in a few hours.

I am the ISP, and am accessing directly from the server.

The change didn't take then. A long time ago there was a thread on another forum about this with a solution, but I don't remember what the solutions was.

Any chance the wrong zone file was changed? Did you try a stop and start?

Thank you! Boy, when you work so close to a problem you can miss the obvious. One of my staff made a second zone file for the domain which wasn't active - that's the one I was editing. So simple, yet I missed it.


Those (the simple ones) are the problems that can drive a person crazy. Sometimes it takes an outsider to think of the obvious.