Dividing single file by lines?


I have a situation where I need to append specific lines to a series of files only when specific lines are found. I can do this using sed -f, however because of the byte limitation for a sedscr file, I create multiple sedscr files (of 180 lines each due to the length of the strings) and do multiple passes. Sometimes I only do 5 passes, sometimes as many as 13.

As an example, each of these is 180 lines (except the last which has any remaining lines):

/string 1/a\
string 2

I've been doing this manually, but am now charged with creating a menu for another (non-technical) business area to execute. My problem is after I create one massive sedscr file (from a single input file), I don't know how to divvy up that single sedscr file into multiple 180-line files.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Got it. the split command will do it

split -180 <filename>

Will handle any remainder too. New file names will have aa, ab, ac through zz appended to them. Sorry if this was basic knowledge.