Dividing a column by it's last number


I have a file as below:

0.000145 5.82056e-08
0.000146 6.82088e-08
0.000150 7.42115e-08
0.000156 8.52142e-08
0.000176 8.82169e-08
0.000178 9.82197e-08

I'd like to divide the values of the second column by its last entry (here 9.82197e-08).
I would be thankful if someone could show me how to do it in Linux.

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"Do it in Linux" is somewhat ambiguous. Do you want to deploy a shell script, an awk (or other tool) script? Any attempts/thoughts/ideas from your side?

Sorry, I should have been more clear.
I searched in the forum and I saw a similar post as mine by for dividing a column by its first number using awk. here is what was suggested:

awk 'BEGIN{first_line=0;divide_by=1;}{if(first_line==0){first_line=1; divide_by=$1;}print $1/divide_by;}END{}' your_file

Now, I'm wondering how I can do the same but by dividing the column by its last number.

Hi, try:

awk 'NR==FNR{n=$2; next} {$2/=n}1' your_file your_file


0.000145 0.592606
0.000146 0.694451
0.000150 0.755566
0.000156 0.867588
0.000176 0.898159
0.000178 1

You could add testing for n==0


Note: the input file must be specified twice on the command line !

There are several possible approaches. For small files like above, you can keep all input in memory, try

awk '{T1[NR] = $1; T2[NR] = $2} END {for (n=1; n<=NR; n++) print T1[n], T2[n]/$2}' file
0.000145 0.592606
0.000146 0.694451
0.000150 0.755566
0.000156 0.867588
0.000176 0.898159
0.000178 1

This may work on some but not all awk versions depending on the NR and $2 values being retained in the END section or not.
For larger files, you might want to extract the last line with e.g. tail , or reverse the overall line order with tac , or run through the file twice.

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@RudiC, according to POSIX awk:Variables and Special Variables

So one should be able to use NR and instead of $2 , you could use T2[NR]

Many thanks Rudi!

Actually my file is large (I had just put a sample of the last rows). But anyways it works perfectly now!