Divide the numbers in file

Dear ALL,

I have sample file :

tx_bytes: 2422,
tx_packets: 13,
uptime: 16119,

tx_bytes: 2342,
tx_packets: 14,
uptime: 11009,

tx_bytes: 252,
tx_packets: 12,
uptime: 3113,

my formula :

minutes=$(( uptime/60%60 ))
hours=$(( uptime/60/60%24 ))

required output:

tx_bytes: 2422,
tx_packets: 13,
uptime: 4:28,

tx_bytes: 2342,
tx_packets: 14,
uptime: 3:3,

tx_bytes: 252,
tx_packets: 12,
uptime: 0:51,

Can you help me pls..

Not sure what you are after but this is longhand for one value:-
OSX 10.12.4, default bash terminal.

Last login: Fri Apr 14 16:52:28 on ttys000
AMIGA:barrywalker~> uptime=16119
AMIGA:barrywalker~> minutes=$(( uptime/60 )) 
AMIGA:barrywalker~> echo $minutes
AMIGA:barrywalker~> hours=$(( minutes/60 )) 
AMIGA:barrywalker~> echo $hours
AMIGA:barrywalker~> minutes=$(( minutes - ( hours * 60 ) ))
AMIGA:barrywalker~> echo $minutes
AMIGA:barrywalker~> uptime="$hours:$minutes"
AMIGA:barrywalker~> echo $uptime
AMIGA:barrywalker~> _
awk '$1=="uptime:" {$2=sprintf("%02d:%02d,", $2/60/60%24, $2/60%60) }1' myFile
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Thanks for vgersh99

[root@localhost ~]# ./forum.sh
tx_bytes: 2422,
tx_packets: 13,
uptime: 04:28,

tx_bytes: 2342,
tx_packets: 14,
uptime: 03:03,

tx_bytes: 252,
tx_packets: 12,
uptime: 00:51,
[root@localhost ~]#