Displays the text upward

I need to print out text from a file in the console up, you know someone like that?

'Someone' like who?
Could you elaborate what you're after (hopefully with examples)?

as in, make the console go backwards?

This can vary depending on your terminal since it's not a standard feature, but the escape sequence "ESC M" moves the terminal up one line in at least some.

Try this. It reads lines from /etc/passwd ( you can use anything you want ), adds two ESC-M sequences, then prints the lines one by one. Scrolls up handily on this system.

sed 's/$/\x1bM\x1bM/' < /etc/passwd | while IFS="" read LINE
        sleep 1
        echo "$LINE"
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I need to print out text from a file in the console up

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yes...I need to print out text from a file in the console up

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I need to print out text from a file in the console up...not all tasks ... This is here just for show

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