Displaying the output in the tabular Format


I have a file which contains the data in the below format and need to develop a script which will give the output in the tabular format.

Could you please advice me.

Workflow: [wf_ABC] version [1].
Workflow run status: [Scheduled]
Workflow run error code: [0]
Schedule time: [Wed May 12 00:05:00 2010]
Workflow run type: [Schedule]
Run workflow as user: [John]
Integration Service: [Inte_Ser]
Folder: [Test]
Workflow: [Wf_Xyz] version [1].
Workflow run status: [Scheduled]
Workflow run error code: [0]
Schedule time: [Wed May 12 00:05:00 2010]
Workflow run type: [Schedule]
Run workflow as user: [Administrator]
Integration Service: [Inte_Ser]

Output : -

Folder Name 	Workflow Name 	Scheduled Time
Tutorial	              wf_ABC		12-May-2010 00:05:00
Test		 Wf_Xyz		12-May-2010 00:05:00
$ cat f1
Workflow: [wf_ABC] version [1].
Workflow run status: [Scheduled]
Workflow run error code: [0]
Schedule time: [Wed May 12 00:05:00 2010]
Workflow run type: [Schedule]
Run workflow as user: [John]
Integration Service: [Inte_Ser]
Folder: [Test]
Workflow: [Wf_Xyz] version [1].
Workflow run status: [Scheduled]
Workflow run error code: [0]
Schedule time: [Wed May 12 00:05:00 2010]
Workflow run type: [Schedule]
Run workflow as user: [Administrator]
Integration Service: [Inte_Ser]
$ ##
$ perl -ne 'BEGIN {printf("%-20s %-20s %-s\n", "Folder Name", "Workflow Name", "Scheduled Time");
>                  printf("%s %s %s\n", "="x20, "="x20, "="x24)}
>           if (/^Folder: \[(.*?)\]/) {printf("%-20s ",$1)}
>           elsif (/^Workflow: \[(.*?)\]/) {printf("%-20s ",$1)}
>           elsif (/^Schedule time: \[(.*?)\]/) {printf("%-s\n",$1)}
>          ' f1
Folder Name          Workflow Name        Scheduled Time
==================== ==================== ========================
Tutorial             wf_ABC               Wed May 12 00:05:00 2010
Test                 Wf_Xyz               Wed May 12 00:05:00 2010


data.dat is the inputfile.

$ cat createtable.sh

echo "Folder Name           Workflow Name         Scheduled Time"
echo "====================  ====================  ========================"

<data.dat grep -E 'Folder:|Workflow:|Schedule time:' | sed -n 'N;N;s/\n/ /gp' |\
sed 's/Folder: \[//;s/\] Workflow: \[/,/;s/\].*: \[/,/;s/]$//' |
while read line
a=$(echo $line | sed 's/,.*//')
b=$(echo $line | sed 's/.*,\(.*\),.*/\1/')
c=$(echo $line | sed 's/.*,//')
printf "%-21s %-21s %-25s\n"  "$a" "$b" "$c"
$ ./createtable.sh
Folder Name           Workflow Name         Scheduled Time
====================  ====================  ========================
Tutorial              wf_ABC                Wed May 12 00:05:00 2010 
Test                  Wf_Xyz                Wed May 12 00:05:00 2010 