Displaying the Last Modification Time of a specific file

How can I get and display the last modification time of a file? in scripting or specifically using Batch file

I want this info for me to determine whether an image has been edited or not by using the last modification time and compare it to our stored date of modification.

can somebody help me with this problem? I really need this urgently. thanks

See the following:

> stat guess_game
  File: `guess_game'
  Size: 292             Blocks: 16         IO Block: 8192   regular file
Device: 3f8c350h/66634576d      Inode: 239534      Links: 1
Access: (0770/-rwxrwx---)  Uid: ( 1249/ xxxxxxx)   Gid: (  402/      dp)
Access: 2008-07-02 23:21:03.712322000 -0700
Modify: 2008-02-18 13:54:53.839126000 -0800
Change: 2008-02-18 13:54:53.839126000 -0800
find "file" -printf "%t"

is it recognize in batch files? (.bat)

which shell are you using? what does this tell you?

echo $SHELL

batch files are just commands combined to perform stuffs for you. If you installed GNU find, you can use it in your batch file.