Displaying current date time of EDT in IST time

Hi Folks,

 My server time is in EDT. And i am sending automated mails from that server in which i need to display the current date time as per IST \(GMT\+5:30\). Please advice how to display the date time as per IST.

IST time leads 9:30 mins to EDT. and i wrote something like below.

timestamp=`date --date='+9 hour 30 minutes' '+%d/%b/%y %r'`

But The EDT time difference changes to 10 hrs on change of Daylight in every 6 months. How to dynamically do that.. Please Advice.

Thx in Advance...:slight_smile:

What about using the TZ variable. Not sure it would help with that daylight saving problem; you may need to schedule a cron job to adapt TZ every 6 months.

I would have tried the crontab . But its not a fixed date on which the day light saving lag happens...;).

Many Thanks for ur Quick response.

Since India does not waste time with daylight saving time shifts, just setting TZ=IST-5:30 will give you the correct time in India at any time of year. For example, a few seconds ago:

TZ=GMT0 date;TZ=IST-5:30 date

produced the output:

Sat Mar 16 11:10:49 GMT 2013
Sat Mar 16 16:40:49 IST 2013
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Thanks Don,

 Worked perfectly.:b:

wow..!! , i did not know that shell has the ability to treat first one as variable assignment and next one it expands into a command. Thats a new thing i learnt today. Thank you

Both are variable assignments, but since they are at the beginning of a command (not complete commands on their own), the settings only affect affect the environment of the command being run. They do not affect the current shell execution environment. For example:

$ date;TZ=IST-5:30 date;date
Sat Mar 16 07:13:53 PDT 2013
Sat Mar 16 19:43:53 IST 2013
Sat Mar 16 07:13:53 PDT 2013
$ echo $TZ