Display received sms on webpage - php

Scenario: Send sms from putty and display it on webpage.

I have rented an short message service from a company and set callback url to my vps. PHP is installed in my vps .

my mobile phone is: ********85**
receipent mobile phone is: 49*********

callback url is redirected to http://my_vps_ip/sms/ at customer panel dashboard and succesfully accepted by their system.

When I enter below code in vps terminal,

curl 'https://rest.nexmo.com/sms/json' -d api_key=******** -dapi_secret=******** -d to=49********* --data-urlencode "text=Hello There!." -d from=********85**

I receive a new log line in apache.log and it confirms that sms received from the receiver's end but I am unable to play it on a webpage.
Could you please lead me how to do this?


[13/Nov/2015:11:04:28 +0100] "GET /sms/?msisdn=********85**&to=49*********&messageId=0200000088D018F5&text=Hello There!.&type=text&keyword=HELLO&message-timestamp=2015-11-13+10%3A04%3A28 HTTP/1.1" 200 907 "-" "Nexmo/MessagingHUB/v1.0"

Thanks in advance