DiskSuite dilemma


We have this system a SunFire 280R running Solaris 8 Generic_117350-46. It has 2 36GB disks in it. They are mirrored with DiskSuite 4.2.1.

When we execute a metastat all the devices report an Okay status, but when we go into metatool everything is in the Critical (maintenance) state?

Can anyone explain this phenom or how to rectify it?



See question 7 on this page: FAQs : Ten common Solstice Disksuite questions

My solution is to ignore metatool. But I think you can turn on the metatool entries in inetd.conf and get it to work. It runs over the network,

metatool was created as a knee-jerk reaction to Veritas creating the old VxVA (tin can style) GUI. VxVA worked quite well and metatool has never been a brilliant tool.

Anybody with any experience/sense would be better to ignore metatool and stick with the command line - it really is not difficult.

It is not in with the more recent versions so get used to the command line.

The man pages are all pretty will documented with good examples.

I didn't find metatool command on my system but you can further disk status using command

iostat -En

That is because metatool was removed. You really don't need it.

iostat and format will tell you about the disks but they will not give you details regarding the state of the metadevices. Just stick with metastat and metastat -p.