Disk space?

I'm a Unix newbie running Solaris 9. After installing a fresh copy on a 40GB drive I noticed the available disk space is 2% free or approximately 200MB available. Is that possible? Did I do something wrong?

You must be reading that wrong. Are you sure it isn't just your root partition you're looking at, and the rest of the disk has plenty free? Solaris 9 takes only about 1GB for a full install of every package on the install CDs. . . .

Do a df -k from the command prompt and paste the output.

2% usage

As rhfrommn said do a df -k and post the output.

Also what size is the partition? if it was only large enough for the install and it could only have 200Mb left after the install had finished.

df -k will tell. Also you could use the format command for manually look at the partitions. Be careful though not to change anything if you use format.

Thanks, that helps. I was looking at the Solaris Management console and it's confusing the way it shows the disks.

Running df -k states the correct size.

Thanks again.