Disk quota exceed

There is a special problem for my unix. Disk quota exceed.
I use quota -v to check that I almost run out of my quota(I use 45M, limit for me is 50M).
However, I try to use du -sh * to locate my file, it shows me that I only use 9M. I'm wandering if there is something wrong.

hehe you don't say where you did you du from�
and the quota is not for you home directory but for a whole filesystem...

Thank you, but what can I do for this quota exceed problem? 50M limit is for student. My files occupy 9M.

Welcome yayayouknow,

A couple of possible answers from me here.

You have other files counting against you
I would ask the system administrator to search and verify all your files for size and then consider what you do not need. It is possible (if you are a student) that you have inherited files from a previous student in a different home directory.

Consider doing something like this:-

nohup find / -user 216215 -exec ls -ld {} \; >~/user_216215.files 2>/dev/null &
print "Monitor process $!"

It could run for quite a while, so that's why I've set if off in the background whilst you are doing something else. If you need to logoff and pick up later, you can check on the process it displays.

This will generate a file to investigate.

You have a lower limit on the filesystem server
From the image, the filesystem is NFS mounted from a central server. You might have a lower limit on that server and that may be where the rejection is being issued. I think that is a longer conversation with the administrators though.

Good luck!
