Disk Formated with NTFS

HI All,

My pc has two disks, One disk loaded with windows NT 2000 and redhat linux 7.2 dual boot. Another disk 80GB added and formated with NTFS file system. How to access the 80GB NTFS file system disk by booting linux os.

Thanks in advance
Bache Gowda

it belongs to your kernel wheater you can access ntfs partitions.......
noaday the default kernel on suse only can read ntfs, the newest testing kernels also can right, but still it's testing(!)

have a look at:
#man mount

greetings Pre�y


First check if your linux box supports ntfs... if it does, mount it with:
mount /dev/your_ntfs_partition /your_mountpoint -t vfat -r -o umask=0222

like pressy said, ntfs module is experimental code... use with care...

What I would do, and how I read NTFS stuff from Linux is:

  • Share the root of the NTFS drive from Windows 2000, giving permission to a selected user or 'everyone'
  • mount the drive from linux with the following command line (needs SAMBA)

mount -t smbfs -o username=(windows username),password=(users password) //servername/name_of_share /your_directory/mount_point

Works well for me, but as I say you need to have SAMBA install on your machine.

Which distribution of linux are you running, and what kernel are you running it on?