Disaster Recovery

Recovering Solaris to an alternate server

I was just wondering if anyone could give me some points on restoring a Solaris 9 backup to an alternate server. Basically, we use netbackup 6 and I was wondering what the best procedures are for doing this? What things do we need to take into consideration and what the common pitfalls are?

Also, is it possible to restore Solaris SPARC to x86?

Many Thanks!

the best procedure if you are using netbackup, use the BareMetal Restore function of netbackup. but you will need to buy an extra license for that....

:eek: and no, it is definitely not possible to restore sparc on x86. that's a complete different architecture! you could restore data, but no binary will work..

regards pressy

Pressy is right on the sparc to x86 explanation.
To use NBU to restore OS without the BareMetal, you can restore the data to another HDD on another host. (alternate host restoration)

One thing to note is the rename hardlink and softlink checkbox in NBU GUI when you restore. I can't remember which one to tick and untick. I do know One of them is ticked, the other is unticked. Search VERITAS Technotes for the correct info.

After restoring, install bootblk on the HDD.
Remove and insert the disk into another host and your server will revive (Provided the new server has the same OS architecture as the backup server).

Many Thanks!