In Service Guard wih 4 host and multiple package I need to disable one of 2 IP interfaces of 'mypkg' package, so I commented these two lines inside mypkg.cntl file, which is referenced as RUN_SCRIPT into 'mypkg.config'
file mypkg.cntl
#IP[0]=" "
cmcheckconf -P file
file mypkg.config
RUN_SCRIPT /etc/cmcluster/mypkg/mypkg.cntl
Then I executed these 2 commands on every host
cmcheckconf -P mypkg.config
cmapplyconf -P mypkg.config
cmhaltpkg mypkg
service on mypkg package is not listeneding so It's OK
But by netstat -in
command, IP address "" is always present in lan0 interface!
have you got suggestions ?