Directory vs. Folder?

How would you call it?

I use them interchangeably, since they mean the same thing. It's all about preference.

But, generally speaking, in Unix it's "directory", in Windows "folder" and in Linux just pick one.

edit: I changed your poll to make it a public vote :slight_smile:

simply dir but I rarely have to do with users :slight_smile:

This is one area where both UNIX/Linux and Windows users have the same understanding.

It means the same thing, so who cares?

Depends who I am talking to.

The word "folder" is from the Microsoft Windows world where you can also find words like "container" and "desktop". The help text displayed by the Microsoft MSDOS "DIR /?" command only uses the term "directory".

Generally I found
Linux Guys Says : Dir
Windows Guys Says: Folder


Directory sounds more geeky than Folder. Just a feeling!!

See what I found in Wikipedia:

I use the term Directory despite it isn't much friendly for certain users ...

find finds -type d(irectory) :stuck_out_tongue:

Flashback to pre-unix on DEC kit. The CAT command used to display the catalogue (of files), then along came DCL with the DIR command.

Third option, doesnt really matter for me

my folders are in a filing cabinet. my system data is organized on disk in directories. always used the term directory, natural use of the term.

true that most users are confused by the term directories. on the spot translation is available.


I'd guess that folder had its origins in the desktop metaphor. Not from Windows, that GUI came after the Macintosh. The Xerox PARC lab invented the metaphor, but it was not popularized until it was adopted by Apple. I suppose there might be an even more obscure implementation, but again, not popularized like the Macintosh Desktop.

Some support for my guess at Desktop metaphor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I usually use the term directory ... cheers, drl

I have made some research and the directory term was used for describing file systems structure like Multics, where sub folders was not allowed, it have an unique directory and not folder support. I don't like the folder analogy. I prefer directory


Directory, dir.

True. These were the days, when the interesting stuff wouldn't reside in /usr or /etc but in $SYS$SYSTEM.

Ah, well - and then all hell broke loose and an upstart PC-botch-shop bought the producer of the best processor and the best working cluster in the world. Like Old Joes Garage purchasing Porsche along with its racing team division.

I use "directory" exclusively as i deal only with "file system entities". I simply have nothing to do with "GUI concepts", "metaphors" or other crutches for the technically impaired.


Folders are how users see their mail organised in IMAP logins, directories are how data is organised on disk.

Well, I first came accross the expression Folder when I worked for Olivetti in 1981 - they sold this system and the user was encoraged to think "cabinet", "drawer" and "folder" the system was actually pretty good for it's day.

Tha OS was a bit Unix "like".

