Direction to create website to process grep and SED requests


I am seeking to create a cgi-bin type creation that will allow users browsing the site to be able to run searches that would be a grep command or SED in the backround. I am not sure how to go about this, if you would give me a pointer or direction about what technology i could inform myself about that would be super.

eg. User would want to scan a 'log archive' for a file that was sent

input may look like "Enter the search string you are looking for
"Enter the date range you are looking for (leave blank for none)

The return (onscreen) would give a scan of the logs that had the file name searched for (within the date or not)
I can write the grep /sed. but I am not sure how to manage the interaction between the website, and inserting the entries from the user to the shell command, triggering the command, and then getting the results back to the screen for HTML viewing by the requestor.

Thank you