Direct login without password


I am trying to setup direct login from server test1 (Solaris 10) to server test2 (Solaris 9) using id taops (ldap id).

Process Followed on Test 2.
created .rhosts file in home directory of user taops
geneted public key on test1 and appended to authorized keys on test2.

Now trying to login but still asking for password.

Where am I missing.

Check your permission on $HOME/.ssh ....... they should be 700 or -rwx------


It is unclear from your question whether you want to login using rsh or ssh. Which is it?

Yup changed as you have mentioned,

@fpmurphy : I'm using SSH.

Still I am not able to resolve :wall:

Hi ,

check the login permission in secondary server.......

I have assigned same permissions on both end i.e. 600

if u have permissions ok try to create /.rhosts file in root dir and check ur telnet services
if u r using sparc try this command telnet -l -froot ip both ends must be a sparc

/.rhosts for SSH??? Why???

just run the following commands

from homedir of trusted server
# cd .ssh
# ls -lart (scp the *.pub file to trusting server)

# scp user@system:/.ssh/authorized_keys2
# ssh -l user@system ksh

The rhosts is for rsh NOT ssh and the permission should always be 700.